Gangsters 2 Pc Game Cheats

Gangsters 2 Pc Game Cheats 4,0/5 356 votes

Get the latest Gangsters 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Gangsters 2. Gangsters 2 - Vendetta for PC Cheats - Cheatbook is the resource for the latest tips, unlockables, cheat codes, easter eggs, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. PC cheat codes (page 37) Displaying 901 - 925 of 2525 cheats. Galaxy Invaders 902. Gambling Tycoon 903. Gangsters 2 906.

  1. Gangsters 3 Pc Game
  2. Gangsters 2 Pc Game Cheats Codes

Create a folder in the main game folder and name it “Data”. Then, in this folder, create a text file called “cheatfix.lua” (lua is the format, not part of the name). We open the created file with notepad and write the following in the first line:

Gangsters 2 Pc Game Cheats

AreCheatsAvailable = function () return true end

We save the file. We start the game. The following commands are written during the game:

Effect Code

Gangsters 3 Pc Game

/video-game-tycoon-gold-edition-cheats.html. +$ 20,000 dirty and clean money – chbigdeal
+150 seats and +50 beer, alcohol and weapons – chsecretstash
Maximum authority – chfearme
Maximum affection – chfancysuit
All weapons in inventory – charmsrace
Win a tactical battle – chfeellucky
Lose a tactical battle – chcementshoes
Unlock all minions – chfullhouse
Explore all areas – chplayground
Win current district (don’t know how to translate) – chdrycity
Increase the level by the specified number – chding [number]

Hex Cheats

Click here
Submitted by Dansterr

All Spy Reports:
Enter the h3 'bangagong' for Joey Bane.

Gangsters 2 Pc Game Cheats Codes

5 Star Specialists:
Enter the name '> 00 <'.

Debug Mode:
In the Isometric View not the nickh3 box hold Shift and type 'THIS TIME AROUND' or 'I LOVE A1'. Debug Mode gives you money and 5 star gangsters.

5 Star Gangsters:
To get a 5 star gangster with 5 tommy guns and 2 bombs, go to the street view. Right-click on any street, hold left-shift key, and type 'this time around' using spaces between each word. You will get a 5 star gangster will you have to pay 200 as a wage.

10,000 and powered-up gangsters:
Prince dos game cheats. Hold [Left Shift] and type i love a. Release [Left Shift] and press 1. Note: None of the gangsters can be selected or highlighted before entering the code.

Easy Kill, Easy Go.
On the first level/part you have to kill a gang that like to hang about on a corner. Well to kill them, spimply get in a car, drive past them and shoot. Go back and shoot again without them seeing too much of you. Go to hospital if needed.