Giants Pc Game Cheats
Giants: Citizen Kabuto for PC cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. This page contains Transport Giant cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. This game has been made by JoWood Ent. AG and published by JoWooD Entertainment AG at Aug 13, 2004. Giants - Citizen Kabuto for PC Cheats - Cheatbook is the resource for the latest tips, unlockables, cheat codes, easter eggs, hints and secrets to get the edge to win.
Original Sea ReapersTo play with the original, uncensored version of the Sea Reapers, enter the 'bin' folder in the game folder. Move the 'arpfix.gzp' file to another folder. To restore the game to normal, simply move the file back to its original location.
Cheat CodesWhile playing the game, press T or Y, then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Fast base construction [Note] | basegoveryfast |
Full energy for base [Note] | basefillerup |
Full health | pleasehealme |
Full map | mapshowitall |
Infinite mana | ineedspells |
Instant gift shop/spell store [Note] | gimmegifts |
Instant party house [Note] | itsmyparty |
Level select | allmissionsaregoodtogo |
Maximum Smarty population [Note] | basepopulate |
View frame rate | fr |
Unknown | masterdebug |
Note: These codes only work in base building missions.
PC games are video games that you play on a personal computer. They are also called computer games. You do not need a dedicated console or Arcade Machine to play PC games. All you need is your personal computer. Some of the popular PC games include; Female History, Mega Man 11, Fifa, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, The Crew 2, State of Decay 2, and Sea of Thieves. They have a large capacity in input and video output and they are user-determined. PC platforms are almost fully decentralized at the hardware level. However, the software Microsoft Windows and the Steam distribution service are dominant. /grand-theft-auto-san-andreas-playstation-2-game-cheats.html.
Many gamers like PC games because they offer a wide variety of choices and compatibility. The games are becoming cheaper to purchase since they do not cost a lot of money to reproduce. PC gaming is now at the cheapest it has ever been. It is also at its best value. Looking at it in comparison to console games, PC gaming may seem expensive. Most personal computers can handle these games. If, however, you are looking for better quality and feel of a game, you may have to invest in certain hardware.
However, the cost of PC gaming has reduced drastically over the years. You can find graphics cards at low prices. The increase in competition may be one of the factors that have contributed to this reduction in costs. PC gaming offers you value for your money because the path for upgrading is a lot easier than for consoles. You can use your processor for more than five years. Even though it is expensive to purchase upfront, it saves you some money. There are plenty of exclusive games for PCs. Another reason why PC games are popular is backward compatibility. If you own a PC game, you own it forever. If you like older games you can find them easily.
PC games started to become popular after the video game crash in 1983. In this period, there was a major recession in the video game industry. It was caused by many factors including the existence of too many game consoles in the market.
PC gaming lacks a centralized control. The openness has contributed to a reduction in software cost. Because there is plenty of competition, providers keep their prices low. The fact that there are no platform-holder fees means that games are affordable at all levels. It is easy to find free games. Openness encourages innovation. Anyone can create their PC game without any trouble. Talented individuals can take advantage of this fact. They can also modify an existing game. A player can edit their game and then distribute it as ‘mods.’ Popular mods increase the popularity of their parents.
Giants Pc Game Cheats Codes
Most PC games can be purchased through the internet. If you want a game, you can purchase and download it from the internet directly to your PC. This promotes fair competition between budding developers and bigger publisher-backed games. It is another factor that contributes to the reduction of circulation costs and hence the cost of purchase.