Titanic Game Cheats Level 11

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Get the latest Starship Titanic cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Escape The Titanic by App Holdings All the answers for Escape the Titanic before it's too late? Be prepared for anything as you race to escape the world's most infamous ocean liner. All The Levels: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide to complete Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage – Titanic. April 10th, 1912 (8:45am) In this tutorial level. What is the answer for Guess The Movie Quiz Level 11 Picture 16? This is a fun little picture quiz by Bubble Quiz Games. There are 20 levels, each with 20 puzzles. This time it is up to you to escape the Titanic! Check out our walkthrough videos if you need a little help:) Another awesome escape game from MobiGrow! And this time the theme. T:HG aims to tell the story of the sinking of RMS Titanic as faithfully as possible and raise the bar for authenticity in video games in general. The fictional mystery surrounding the main quest line is a tool to bring the player back to 1912 and interact with and learn about more than 200 real-life characters from history's most iconic disaster. Escape Ornate Citadel is the new point and click escape game.

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Starship Titanic.

Check out Escape Titanic Game walkthrough part 2 now! Tweet Title: Escape the Titanic App Walkthrough Description: Escape the Titanic app is another new puzzle game developed by Freshgames for the iphone, ipad and ipod touch. CHECK OUT OUR NEW GAME - Escape LegendsDo you have what it takes to become the Escape Legend?Google play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.

Give The Parrot His Pistachios

Go to the parrot room and feed the parrot to thesuc-u-bus. Then, go to your 2nd class room, usethe personal suc-u-bus located by the door, andpress 'Receive'. Take tube and open it. If donecorrectly the parrot will eat all the pistachiosand give you a piece of Titania

Second Class Upgrade

Go find your room, then open up the bed ,desk,drawer, the 'toilet drawer', but not the toiletand T.V. Click on your bed again and turn thechannels until a screen appears with Marsinta's(desbot's) voice. After that, go to the suckingguy outside of your room. He will say that hehas something for you and give you a magazine.Go directly to the deskbot and give her themagazine. You should now get upgraded to SecondClass. Once upgraded to Second Class, you maynow go to new places by going to the right sideof the top of the well and activating theelevator.

First Class Upgrade

Go to the well and enter the door that cannot beaccessed in third class. There should be a groupof glass sculptures here. Walk around them untilyou find a switch. The glass will break. TheDesk Bot will now be in a good mood and willgive you an upgrade.

Get The Blue Chip

Go to the room with the parrot and grab it. Feedit to the Succ-U-Bus. Go to the mother Succ-U-Bus and click on 'Receive'. She will sneeze outa guy with the blue chip to Titania's head.

Get Titania's Eye

Go to the elevator and ask to go to the bottomof the well. Go down there and look around thefloor in the middle of the area and find anelevator bot's head. Go up to the top of thewell and find the elevator bot with no head. Putthe head on the bot and it will be replaced withTitania's head.

Get Titania's Second Eye

To obtain this you must be in First class. Turnto channel 4 in First class and you will see aroom location code. You have to go to the samefirst class room it shows, only the code isreversed. Go to elevator 2, floor 7, room 3. Goto the bed and turn around. Ask for the bellbotand tell him to fix the broken light. He willfix it and give you the eye.

Get Titainia's Nose

Go to the arboretum. Get the hose near the Suc-U-Bus. Go to the Parrot room. Attach the hose tothe light near the Suc-U-Bus. Attach the otherend to the Suc-U-Bus. He will blow her nose outof the light.

Titania's Auditory Center

When you get to first class, go to therestaurant and take the maitre'D bot's arm.Continuously poke him around the butt until helets you sit at the table with the man. Take thegreen thing in the man's hand along with thenapkin and other arm.

Get The Crushed Television

Go to the Parrot room and summon the Bell Bot.Tell him to 'Throw the TV'. He will throw it tothe bottom of the well. Go down and get it.

Get The Stick

Get the perch from the parrot lobby ( the onelying against the wall) and take the perelatorto the deck. On the deck, you will see a bigcase with a hammer sign. Approach this and hitthe button with the perch to obtain the hammer.Take the hammer to the entertainment lounge onyour SGT Class floor and hit the glasscontaining the stick.

Get The Titanic Titillator

Jump in the Pellerator, and head to the bar.Look at the TV, and take note of the drinkrecipe. Note that there is a piece of Titania onthe bar shelf, but the BarBot cannot do anythingbut make the drink on the TV. Ring the bell andtake the glass the BarBot sets on the bar. /download-game-cheat-my-hospital.html. Youwill need to gather the following ingredients inorder to get the vision center.


Crushed Television

Titanic Game Cheats Level 11 Hints

Go to the Parrot Lobby, and summon the BellBot.Ask him to 'Throw the television down the well',and he will gladly comply. Take an Elevator tothe bottom of the well and get the crushedTelevision. Do not take too long, or it maydisappear before you get there.Pureed StarlingsHead down (or up) to Titania's room and enterthe Fuse Box room. Plug in the blue fuse, turnthe blue knob sideways, turn the yellow knobsideways, and remove the yellow fuse. Go to thePellerator and take it to the Promenade deck. Goto the fan. Turn it on, set the speed to 'Fast',and watch the carnage ensue. Return to the topof the well and take an elevator to any SGTClass floor (28 to 38). Go to the restaurant,click the switch for a chicken, and put thechicken under the leftmost dispenser. While itis dispensing, hold the empty glass under thechicken to get a glassful of Pureed Starlings.LemonGo to the Parrot Lobby and grab the perch stuckin the bags. Take the Pellerator to thePromenade deck and go to the Hammer Dispenser.Use the perch to press the button. You will heara tone, and it will take a three times. Grab thehammer. Go back to the top of the Well and takean elevator to any SGT Class Floor. Enter thesmall room at the end of the hall, look at theglass-encased stick, use the hammer to break theglass, and take the stick. Go back to the top ofthe Well and take the Gondola to the Arboretum.Open the Arboretum, use the long stick to knockdown a lemon from the tree (just swing it at thetrees), and take it.Mixing the DrinkFinally, go to the bar via the Pellerator andring the bell. Give the BarBot the lemon, theTV, and the glass of starlings. He willask 'What's this?'. Answer 'Pureed Starlings'.Ask him to 'Get the vodka', and he will make thedrink. He will then go crazy and give you thepiece.Hint: Reading the journal:To read the journal in the basement type 'this,that, other'. When you do this, type in thenames 'leovinus', 'scraliontis',or 'brobostigon' and read the backgrounds tofind out more about the ship.

Using The Sculptures

Each sculpture corresponds to a different robot.The parrot can give you hints on which is which.When you approach a sculpture, the PET will moveto the robot talk panel and the dials willbecome visible. To make a robot more helpful,just adjust it. The DeskBot, BellBot, DoorBot,and LiftBot all have two controls (Dispositionand Cellpoint), whereas the BarBot has allthree. The Maitre'D bot has no settings.

Deactivating The Bomb

If you activate the bomb in the basement, justtype 'nobody likes a smartass' to deactivate it.If you activated the bomb, you do not have todeactivate it, but it is very annoying.

Titanic Game Cheats

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Lego movie game cheat codes ps3. We have no achievements or trophies for Starship Titanic yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.